Why do I have this need to be right?
Perhaps it's more than that alone, more of a self validation that I have something few others do – like a wisdom, or a greater sense of awareness. I see it creeping in all I do: from my work, especially when confronted by another that I might have made an error; to trading, where my charts and opinions need to reflect an intuitiveness and understanding I believe few others possess. I even have this faint desire for the 'see I told you so' event to happen that I might be proven right.
I fear a bit I might be doing that too with You: that I have this direct awareness from God things are not as they seem, that paying attention to me might be the better path.
I see this happening with me over and over, in many events, many thoughts. I feel I am missing part of a connection with You. What is the need in my life You have filled, that in my lack of awareness I might move past these thoughts, these actions?
Many others see this within you too – the agitation, the distress when you are seemingly affronted with an attack on your perception of who you are. It is common among men to defend themselves when attacked, even when they are proven correct in their actions. Can this be a sense of the turning of a cheek?
Is it necessary to prove you are correct, in thought or deed? Is your role to convince that you might gain the glory? Is this how you measure the worth of your life – by the approval of others? You know the answer to all these questions. Yet I do understand your desire to move away from these feelings, to be free in Me without your perception of the restraint of others.
The beginning is wisdom: to move from where you are, from the place of your thoughts and actions, is to go deeper – what is it within that you need to be proven correct, that you believe your wisdom exceeds the wisdom of another? Are you once again needing to prove your worth, and to whom?
Certainly not to Me. For I have made you worthy, not in feeling, not in thought, not in action, but within your heart. You need no other desire within than to know you are eternally with Me. That is your security in Me, for you cannot make yourself secure.
Rejoice in the good fortune of others but do not compare prosperity. Do not compare your place in Me with what you perceive their place to be – you know you are likely incorrect. Be free to celebrate all life's events whether you are involved or not, for in all I am moving: to bless, to reveal, to uplift, to gather. You are always part of this, for we are always together. Let your joy be here, and release your heart – and your abundance within My goodness – to all.
Let go of the idea that you are missing what you believe would make you happy; you have reached your happiness. And is not that the desire of everyone?